Coming up with content for your small business newsletter can be a breeze during those first few months. You have offers, you have news, you have historic content to share about your business, you’re still excited at the prospect of having a new means of engaging your audience, and the ideas flow organically, fantastic! But then a few months down the line your ideas well starts to dry up, you start to feel like a broken record and to top it all off your engagement is down.

It happens to the best of us and sometimes you just need a fresh pair of eyes, or, a handy little marketing blog post like this one to give you some ideas for your next campaign to hit the refresh button on your content.

  1. Harness your hook and switch up your email subject to engage your audience The biggest change you can make to your email marketing strategy is switching up your subject line. It’s the first thing your subscribers will see when opening their emails and your first opportunity to hook them in and encourage them to open your email and engage with your content. Switch it up by including a sneak preview of the content that’s inside, leading with an offer or including their name in the email subject.
  2. Spotlight your team and day to day operations While it can be tempting to keep your comms sales oriented and aligned with your operational goals and targets your subscribers will hit that unsubscribe button pretty fast if all you’re doing is selling. Let your customers get a peek behind the curtain and share updates from your business such as spotlights on your team members, a big win for your business that month or perhaps a story from the last month that shows off your personality.
  3. Show don’t tell by sharing testimonials Share customer reviews and testimonials of your products and services, get into the habit of showing instead of telling, share results your prospective customers could reap by choosing to shop with your business.
  4. Create infographics catered to your niche Demonstrate your industry expertise and create some infographics about your niche. If you’re a massage therapist for example create an infographic showcasing your knowledge on pressure points, show the holistic benefits of massage and how life changing massage can be in helping with your subscribers health and wellness. Once again show, don’t tell.
  5. Offer a free digital download Is there something you can offer your customers to add value to their experience of shopping with your small business? For example I offer a free content planner as a digital download for my audience that would be a great hook and inclusion for a newsletter.
  6. Collaborate with fellow small businesses in your niche Work with businesses within your niche that could add value to your newsletter, include their expert opinions, exclusive offers. An example could be a hairdresser collaborating with a make up artist or personal stylist.
  7. Create opportunities for further engagement Make sure your strategy goes full circle, encourage your audience to follow you on social media, visit your website to check out the latest product updates, or link to blog articles you’ve created.

Need a little help writing or strategising? Drop me a line and let’s work on your email marketing technique!

Hannah, Heyday Digital Agency

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