We talk about this all of the time in marketing the importance of defining your audience to creating and acing your marketing strategy and smashing your business goals. While I could wax lyrically on defining your audience, the importance of it and why it’s the thing that will help you reach your business goals, I’m not gonna, today I’m going to share my top tips on defining your business audience full stop.
Here are some things to consider that will help you define your audience:
- Where in the world are they? Geography matters. If you’re a UK-based company and you only have the capacity to ship your products to UK addresses then your audience is UK based and you have your answer. If you’re a company based in Scotland, you’re service-based and your customers need to attend in person then your audience can be niched down further depending on proximity to your base and how willing your customers are going to be to travel.
- How old are they and which gender do they identify as? Is your product designed for men or women of a certain age? Are your products aimed at children and their families or perhaps you’re looking at the four-legged friend variety of audience members? As tempting as it can be to say ‘my audience is everyone and everyone will love my products’ defining who your audience are in terms of their age and gender identity, as well as who they live with, what is their estimated disposable income etc can help you figure out who they are and what their motives may be.
- What are they most interested in? Are they bookish? Do they love DnD? Are they into fitness, health and wellness? Or perhaps they have a passion for food and the finer things in life? Get a sense of your audience’s likes and dislikes to help you paint a picture of why they may be motivated to seek out your products or services ultimately knowing who they are and what their interests are will help you relate to them and market to their needs more effectively.
- How does your product or service meet their needs? Does your product or service make your audience’s lives easier? Offer fun or respite? Or perhaps it seeks to provide them with more information. What exactly does your product do for your audience? Knowing this will help you create content with your customers’ end goal in mind and create a marketable hook for your business.
- Where do they consume media most? Where does your audience live online? Do they read blogs regularly? If so which ones interest them most? Do they surf socials all day, if they do which platforms will they be surfing on? What sort of media do they enjoy most, articles? Short or long-form vlogs or videos? Answering this will help you not only create an image of your ideal customer and their digital habits, it will also help inform your strategy for where you should place your efforts in terms of digital and social media content.
Defining your audience can be good fun, imagining all of the different scenarios people may find to engage with your business’s products and services can prove to not only be really helpful in building your strategy but also hugely motivational in envisioning your brands future.
Still need a little help? Let’s work together and sesh it out! Drop me a line to book a marketing development and strategy session.
Hannah, Heyday Digital Agency